What Can Fake Grass Be Laid On?

What Can Fake Grass Be Laid On?
Fake Grass Be Laid On

Once seen almost exclusively in sports arenas and putting greens, artificial turf has more recently become mainstream. These days, fake grass appears on residential lawns, gym floors, public parks, and play areas — and for good reason. This super-versatile, aesthetically pleasing grass offers a wide variety of benefits over natural grass, and even better, it can be installed almost anywhere.

Has artificial turf caught your eye? Curious whether it can be installed on your property? You’re about to find out! Below, the experts at LawnPop break down the various surfaces on which they can lay fake grass.

Soil or Dirt

Since artificial grass is designed for use on putting greens, recreational spaces, lawns, and pet play areas, it’s perfectly suited for placement on soil or even nutrient-void dirt. Keep in mind, however, that extensive preparation is necessary to properly install fake grass on soil.

Before artificial grass can be installed over a natural lawn, all existing plant matter must be eradicated to ensure it doesn’t regrow beneath the fake grass. Because soil features natural variations in height and density, the ground must also be leveled prior to turf installation. And, because not all soil drains water efficiently, a drainage system must be installed.

After the drainage system is in place, the installers must also lay down a sub-base. This final prep layer helps with efficient water drainage and further levels the surface on which the artificial turf will be installed.


Tired of looking at boring, plain concrete? Good news: fake grass can be installed on concrete surfaces! Installing fake grass over concrete is a great way to enhance the visual appeal and barefoot feel of a variety of spaces including:

  • Pool decks
  • Patios
  • Lawns
  • Driveways
  • Play areas
  • Dog runs

Although laying fake grass on concrete is a less involved process than installing it over soil, prep work is still necessary. If you plan to install fake grass over an outdoor concrete surface, the concrete must be capable of draining water efficiently. If the surface doesn’t drain water well, the installers may need to drill holes in the concrete to allow water to exit the area.

Furthermore, although most concrete surfaces are smooth, it’s important to ensure there’s no loose gravel on the installation surface since it can interfere with proper placement of the fake grass. If the concrete features any variances in height, installers must also implement an underlay between the concrete and the turf to ensure the fake grass adheres properly.


Just as concrete is a great surface for fake grass installation, so is brick! Many homeowners opt to incorporate fake grass with brick pavers for its lively visual appeal, and often install it on the following brick surfaces too:

  • Patios
  • Pool decking
  • Walkways
  • Driveways

The turf installation process is much the same for brick as it is for concrete. However, properly adhering fake grass to brick surfaces typically requires additional adhesive. Because brick surfaces feature height variances where cement adheres each brick to its neighbors, custom-cut adhesive strips are typically required to secure the turf in place. Installing fake grass on top of brick may also require an underlay to prevent uneven turf deterioration.


Got a few outdoor wood surfaces you need to spruce up? Why not install artificial turf on top of them? Homeowners everywhere opt to install fake grass on a wide variety of wood surfaces, including:

  • Decks
  • Patios
  • Plant racks
  • Landscape platforms
  • Walkways

It’s important to note that because water can easily penetrate wood, if you plan to install fake grass on a wood surface, the wood must be sealed to make it water resistant. Applying a high-quality sealant prior to turf installation ensures the wood won’t crack, dry out, warp, rot, mold, or otherwise deteriorate. To maintain a water-resistant barrier between the turf and the wood surface, milder adhesives are typically used.

PVC or Plastic

If you have less-than-appealing PVC or plastic sheathing on a porch, deck, or elsewhere, fake grass can liven up the space. Since these materials are naturally water resistant and feature smooth, even surfaces, not much prep work is necessary prior to turf installation. Typically, all that’s needed is a high-quality adhesive to properly secure fake grass to a PVC or plastic surface.

Ready to Install Artificial Grass? Contact Lawn Pop Today

If you’re ready to install fake grass on your property or are curious about your artificial turf options, get in touch with our team at LawnPop! We specialize in residential and commercial artificial turf installation and service the entire Austin, TX, metro area. To request a free estimate or learn more about your artificial grass options, give us a call today at (512) 298-0933.