Category: Smart Lawn Blog

History of Fake Grass

Are you tired of spending endless hours of your weekend taking care of your grass? If so, it is important to consider some of the alternative options available. For example, you might be interested in installing artificial turf or fake grass. Even though we would…

Benefits of Our Airdrain Geocell Drainage Grid

It is important for you to take care of your lawn, even if you have synthetic turf. You probably have lots of options available for your turf needs, but you need to make sure that you take care of it. The best way to deal…

What Is Environfill Microban Infill?

Envrionfill, a synthetic infill used for landscaping, is quickly trending toward a mainstream tipping point. If you own a home or a business, your landscape applications will greatly benefit from this synthetic turf infill. Envirofill provides numerous safety and health benefits for people, dogs, cats,…

How Is Artificial Grass Made?

If you are looking for grass for residential or commercial purposes, you might be looking for a way to save money. That is where artificial grass might be helpful. Unlike actual grass, which requires regular water, fresh soil, and plenty of sunlight, artificial grass can…

Business Applications for Artificial Grass

As time progresses, more and more businesses are recognizing the merits of artificial grass. In particular, businesses are adding artificial grass for visually striking landscaping that creates a fresh and crisp aesthetic. If your business’s exterior has lost its appeal, consider adding artificial grass. Some…

Benefits of Golf for De-stressing

Are you looking for a way to improve your mental health while also getting a bit of exercise? If so, you may have thought about playing golf. Lots of people love to play golf because it gets them outside, allows them to interact with family…

Artificial Grass and Pets: What to Know

Summer is here, and as the days get warmer and longer, so does the list of chores needed to maintain a beautiful lawn fit for all the BBQs and family fun. Unfortunately, warm weather means a new laundry list of yard chores, including picking up…

Artificial Grass for People With Grass Allergies

Grass allergies are no fun. Allergies in general are no fun, but when they are caused by arguably one of the most common plants around, that can be pretty miserable. Grass allergies are typically caused by grass pollen. With so much grass around all the…

Benefits of Artificial Grass on Your Rooftop

Did you know that you can put artificial grass on your rooftop? Yes, this is totally a thing, and it is amazing! Artificial grass (or turf) is so versatile and adds a beautiful, natural look to any home or property — even if that property…

Benefits of Artificial Grass for Your Business

You want to make your business more attractive. But you also don’t want something that’s going to require long-term care. What about artificial grass? Artificial grass can make your business look fantastic from the outside and even brighten the mood from the interior. Let’s take…