Tag: too much shade
Live easier with LawnPop Artificial Turf
LawnPop® is in the business of making your life easier. From yoga lawns to rooftops — artificial grass is finding its way into more applications than ever before. Homeowners, interior designers, architects, landscape architects, builders and event planners have been finding creative ways to implement LawnPop synthetic turf. Maybe…
Ever-green Grass, All Summer Long
Does the recent influx of rain have you dreaming of hot, sunny summer days? Us, too! At LawnPop, we are excited for summertime and spending countless hours outdoors. And, the best part is that you can put the lawn mower and weed wacker aside and…
Tired of a muddy lawn?
Who wouldn’t want a canopy of large live oaks, umbrella shaped cedar elms and colorful red oaks towering over your pristine landscape. These majestic trees add value to your property in the form of shade and aesthetics. Mother earth providing natural sculptures. Unfortunately at the…