Category: Artificial Turf

How Durable Is Artificial Grass?

When it comes to choosing artificial grass for your lawn, we agree with Merriam-Webster that “durable” should mean “able to exist for a long time without significant deterioration in quality or value.” A long time in our world is around 15 years on average, which…

Can I Install Artificial Turf by Myself?

Home upgrades are awesome. They can improve the value of your house. They can improve how you enjoy your own home. They’re also an opportunity to commit to big projects. Handling improvement on your own is a great way to learn new things and feel…

What Is Artificial Turf Made Of?

When it comes to lawn care, nothing beats artificial turf. Many people have traditionalist feelings about natural-grass lawns, but the truth is that turf is easier to manage. It doesn’t die when the seasons change. It saves tons on water and maintenance bills. It’s also…

How Does Artificial Turf Affect the Environment?

Everyone dreams of owning a home, but very few people enjoy one of the major responsibilities that come with homeownership: lawn care. It’s a lot of work. It’s expensive. On top of that, you have to wonder how all of your effort is impacting the…

How to Maintain Artificial Turf

You did it. You finally decided to install artificial turf in your yard. While you love the amazing greenery, the less watering, and the limited maintenance, there are few things to keep in mind when it comes to the upkeep of your new lawn masterpiece….

How Long Does Artificial Turf Last?

You’re investing time and money into artificial turf because you don’t want to waste time or money on upkeep, watering, and mowing. But now that you’ve given up lawn care maintenance for good, you’re probably wondering: how long does artificial turf last? Well, it all…